Sometimes, this happens. The first thing you should try is taking out the inner cannula and putting in a fresh one. Often times, this will do the trick! In theory, this could push the occlusion further into the airway, but the chances of it occluding the entire airway further down is less severe than the fact that it is occluding the entire airway RIGHT NOW. Your patient will need a bronchoscopy to clear out that plug and fluids, neb treatments to thin out those secretions so the patient can cough them up.

This is the stuff tracheostomy nightmares are made of. The most common reasons for accidental dislodgement are altered LOC, turning patients, copious secretions and poorly-secured trach ties. If the entire trach comes out, you have two choices…put the tracheostomy tube back in or wait and see how they do. Most trachs over 7 days old have healed sufficiently for the stoma to stay open if the trach is removed. Skip to Content.

Urgent Care. In This Section. The more common reasons for a tracheostomy are listed below. A blockage in the upper airway: if the upper airway is blocked, air cannot get into the lungs. The trach tube helps your child breathe. Inability to clear mucus from the lungs and airway: lungs make mucus. Mucus cleans the lungs by picking up tiny bits of dirt and dust. Cilia, which line the lungs, help the mucus carry the dirt and dust out of the lungs. This protects the lungs from irritation and infection.

Long-term help with breathing: A trach tube is put in when a child has to be on a ventilator for a long time. Your child may have to use the ventilator at home after the trach is placed. There are many reasons why a child may need long-term help with breathing.

How a tracheostomy changes the respiratory system When a tracheostomy tube is in place, the child breathes through the trach tube instead of through the nose or mouth. Your child will not be able to cry or talk while the trach tube is in place. Air passes out of the lungs through the trach tube. It does not go through the nose and mouth, and does not pass over the vocal cords to make them vibrate.

There are special devices that let a child talk with the trach tube in place. If your child can use one of these devices, the doctor or nurse will talk to you about it. Air that enters the lungs through the trach tube is not warmed, humidified, or cleaned. Most tracheotomies are performed in a hospital setting.

However, in the case of an emergency, it may be necessary to create a hole in a person's throat when outside of a hospital, such as at the scene of an accident.

Emergency tracheotomies are difficult to perform and have an increased risk of complications. A related and somewhat less risky procedure used in emergency care is a cricothyrotomy kry-koe-thie-ROT-uh-me.

This procedure creates a hole directly into the voice box larynx at a site immediately below the Adam's apple thyroid cartilage. Once a person is transferred to a hospital and stabilized, a cricothyrotomy is replaced by a tracheostomy if there's a need for long-term breathing assistance.

Tracheostomies are generally safe, but they do have risks. Some complications are particularly likely during or shortly after surgery. The risk of such problems greatly increases when the tracheotomy is performed as an emergency procedure. Long-term complications are more likely the longer a tracheostomy is in place. These problems include:. If you still need a tracheostomy after you've left the hospital, you'll need to keep regularly scheduled appointments for monitoring possible complications.

You'll also receive instructions about when you should call your doctor about problems, such as:. How you prepare for a tracheostomy depends on the type of procedure you'll undergo. If you'll be receiving general anesthesia, your doctor may ask that you avoid eating and drinking for several hours before your procedure. You may also be asked to stop certain medications. After the tracheostomy procedure, you'll likely stay in the hospital for several days as your body heals.

If possible, plan ahead for your hospital stay by bringing:. A tracheotomy is most commonly performed in an operating room with general anesthesia, which makes you unaware of the surgical procedure. Try to suction.

If you can not suction the trach tube or your child is still having trouble breathing, remove the trach tube and insert the clean back-up tube as you have been taught. In an emergency, you must be ready to act. Knowing what to do and how to do it will help you remain calm and ready to act in the right way.

It helps to practice emergency care on a doll with a trach.

Finally, physicists believe they could find even more Higgs particles. One prominent theory holds that instead of one type of Higgs boson, there are five. Some of them are much heavier than the Higgs found in , which means the LHC may not have been powerful enough to create them. Until now. Those are all tantalizing possibilities. Still, the LHC's most intriguing results could come from seeing something that nobody predicted.

The Higgs discovered in happens to have a mass that is suspiciously compatible with a huge number of particle interactions. That could be a coincidence. Orhope beyond hopeit could lead to an underlying principle that physicists have missed until now. The end goal, as always, is to find a string that, when tugged, rings a clarion bell that draws physicists toward something new. Scientists are, once again, starting the clock on a nebulous waiting period.

Image: CERN. The Higgs boson Elementary particles gain their mass from a fundamental field associated with the Higgs boson. The Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism In the s, physicists realised that there are very close ties between two of the four fundamental forces — the weak force and the electromagnetic force.

The top event in the CMS experiment shows a decay into two photons dashed yellow lines and green towers. The Higgs boson explained How do the elementary particles get their mass? The Higgs boson: What makes it special? Feature article. The Higgs discovery explained. YouTube video series. Latest Related News. CERN experiments announce first indications o In this case, there would be no Higgs boson. The Higgs mechanism eliminates this nonsense from the theory at the same time that it explains how mass is acquired.

But the nonsensical prediction of the incomplete theory is actually very useful, because it allows us to determine the energy and collision rate needed by a particle accelerator to discover the true nature of the Higgs mechanism, whether by Higgs boson or dynamical symmetry breaking.

A central role in the LHC's search for the mechanism of mass generation is played by the W boson. The W boson is the massive force carrier of the weak nuclear force that causes radioactivity. Without the Higgs mechanism the incomplete theory predicts that the collision rate for two W bosons to collide increases without limit as their energy increases.

In both cases the force that arrests the growth of the collision rate is also responsible for generating the W boson mass. The Higgs boson is expected to have a mass below 1 TeV one trillion electron-volts and will stop the growth of the WW collision rate at an energy equal to its mass, that is, at the same energy at which it can be produced.

A collision rate near the maximum is called "strong WW scattering", while a lower collision rate denotes "weak scattering" "scattering" refers to the collision of two W bosons. If strong WW scattering occurs, then additional W boson pairs are produced at very high energy.

If we are able to detect the additional W boson pairs that are the signal of strong WW scattering, we can determine by the presence or absence of the signal, whether the Higgs mechanism is implemented by a Higgs boson or dynamically.

Fundamentals The explosion process in a natural gas pipe is a flow process of shock waves with high temperature and pressure in restricted space. To simplify the calculation, the following assumptions were made: 1 Gravity effect and delivery pressure of pipe are not considered 2 The pipe is ideal elastic-plastic, regardless of the joint between pipe sections 3 The soil and pavements are uniformly continuous and isotropic 4 The pavement surface is a free surface, and the other directions of soil and pavement extend indefinitely 5 The contact surface between the pipe and the soil is smooth, and the soil is closely connected with the pavement 6 The initial ambient temperature is the normal temperature, and explosive is the only heat source in the model 7 The intermediate process of chemical reactions in the gas explosion is not considered 8 The release center of the explosive energy is at the origin of the coordinates The destructive effects of a natural gas explosion on the environments are caused by energy exchange.

Equivalent of Gas Leakage 2. Model of Gas Leakage There are two types of gas pipe leakage: orifice leakage and fracture leakage, and the possibility of orifice leakage is greater than that of fracture leakage [ 8 ]. Calculation for TNT Equivalent The destructive effect of vapor cloud explosion is usually determined by the energy it releases. Numerical Scheme In this study, a numerical model was firstly established based on the pipe explosion experiment, and the PE pipe material model and modeling method used in this study were verified.

Figure 1. Figure 2. Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Figure 3. Figure 4. Stress distribution of PE pipe in the verification model. Table 5. Figure 5. Grid independence and time independence verification diagram. Grid number Fracture width m 0. Table 6. Variation of fracture width with grid number and time step. Figure 6. Propagation process of explosive shock waves. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure Total energy curves of pavements under different TNT equivalents.

Dynamic response curves of pavements under different TNT equivalents. Displacement and strain distribution of pavements. The maximum pressure and effective stress of pipes under different buried depths. Relationship between buried depth and deformation of pavement. References A. Liu, J. Huang, Z. Li et al. Zhao, L. Xihong, and L.

Ebrahimi-Moghadam, M. Farzaneh-Gord, A. Arabkoohsar, and A. Moloudi and J. Cheng, M. Wu, L. Zhao, and M. View at: Google Scholar L.

Xinhong, C. Guoming, Z. Renren, Z. Hongwei, and F. Mirzaei, M. Najafi, and H. Zheng, B. Zhang, and P. Xu, A. Yao, H. Jiang, Y. Li, and X. Li and B. View at: Google Scholar X. Liu, H. Zhang, M. Xia et al. Cui, S. Shao, and X. Zhang, L. Zhang, and Z. View at: Google Scholar M. Mokhtari and A. Wang, C. Liao, J. Wang, and D.

Bang, H. Park, J. Kim, S. Al-Deyab, A. Yarin, and S. Carbone, E. Pastor, R. Bubbico, and J. Zhian, L. Zhigang, C. Shengguo, Z. Yansong, and Z. Ye, G. Wang, Z. Jia, and C. Cirimello, J. Otegui, and L. Wang, T. Shi, Y. He, M. Li, R. Si, K. Gao, X. Qin, and L. Nie, X. He, R. Zhang, W. Chen, and J. Guo, C. Liu, D.

Wen, A. Yao, and T. View at: Google Scholar Y. Du, F. Zhou, L. Ma, J. Zheng, C. Xu, and G. Russo and F. Wang, X. Qian, M. It is described by a power function 21 , and is presented in Fig. Fracture surface — straight front of the notch. Fracture surface — slant front of the notch. A comparison of the two R-curves shows that the decline of the R-curve obtained with the curved CT specimens is less than the decline of the R-curve obtained with plane, i.

The higher decline of the R-curve with the straightened CT specimens is most probably connected with work hardening of a semiproduct during straightening. In the mathematical description of the R-curve of the curved CT specimens, not only the exponent but also the constant is less than for the standard R-curve.

This means that the standard R-curve is situated above the R-curve of the curved CT specimens. However, the lower position of the R- curve for the curved CT specimens does not mean significantly lower magnitudes of the fracture toughness characteristics.

For example, the J m value is lower by 1. In absolute units, the difference is 2. There is a significant difference in J in , namely R-curve for curved CT specimens.

The test CT specimens were manufactured from a real pipe section cut out from a DN gas pipeline 4. Before the CT specimens were manufactured, the pipe section was press straightened. Owing to the small thickness of the specimens a low constraint , the fracture toughness values cannot be qualified to represent the real fracture toughness values.

However, they can be used as a comparative measure of fracture toughness, thus enabling quantification of the effect of stress corrosion cracks on the apparent fracture toughness. A constant force F of 3 kN was applied to the specimens. The corresponding level of the nominal stress tension and bending at the fatigue crack tip exceeded the yield stress R p0. In total, three groups of CT specimens were prepared. The first group A was the reference group; the specimens from this group contained only the fatigue crack.

The second group of CT specimens B contained specimens that were left freely in air at the indoor temperature for two weeks after being removed from the SC crack generator, and were then subjected to fracture toughness tests.

The specimens from the third group C were tested immediately after they had been removed from the SC crack generator the time difference between testing the first specimen and the last specimen being approximately 20 minutes. The results confirmed that the fracture resistance of a component given by the apparent fracture toughness depends not only on the material of the component and on the crack tip constraint the thickness of the wall of the component but also on the origin of the crack fatigue, stress corrosion , and thus on the corresponding crack growth mechanism.

In contradiction with the opinion that low-C steels are not susceptible to stress corrosion cracking our results showed that under conditions specified in NACE Standard TM, stress corrosion cracks can also be generated from fatigue cracks in low-C steels such as CSN The results for all three groups of specimens are summarized in Fig.

A bar chart of the J integral values for specimens of groups A, B and C. As this figure shows, the stress corrosion fracture toughness characteristics for the low-C steel CSN were lower than the fatigue fracture toughness characteristics by a factor ranging between 4.

It follows from here that in evaluating the reliability of gas pipelines it is always necessary to examine the character of the cracks in the pipe wall, and in the case of stress corrosion cracks to take into account that the fracture toughness can be drastically lower than the values determined on specimens with cracks of fatigue origin.

An experimental verification of the fracture conditions of gas pipelines can be made most accurately on a test pipe body cut out of the gas pipeline to be examined. When deciding on the length of the test pipe body, we should bear in mind that the working length of the body characterized by the absence of stress effects from welded-on bottoms will be shorter by 2 x 2.

It is usually sufficient for the distance between the welds of dished bottoms to be at least 3. This length permits a number of starting cuts to be placed axially along the length of the body.

The cuts are made to initiate crack growth when the body is subsequently pressurized by a fluctuating pressure. The cuts can be made in several ways, one of which uses a thin grinding wheel. The smallest real functional thickness of such a wheel is about 1. Depending on the type of pipes of which gas pipelines are built seamless, spirally welded, longitudinally welded , the starting cuts can be provided in the base material, in the transition region or in the weld metal, their orientation being axial, circumferential or along the spiral weld.

It is appropriate to relate the surface length of the cuts to the wall thickness of the pipe body. Testing the body for the danger posed by so-called long cracks should be carried out with crack lengths not exceeding twenty times the wall thickness of the pipe body.

The situation with the depth of the starting cuts is different. The depth of an initiated fatigue crack must be at least 0. Substitution of a notch with a crack by the equivalent crack. As described in paragraph 3. These check slits functioned as a safety measure to prevent cracks that developed at the working slits from penetrating through the pipe wall.

For illustration, a DN test pipe body with a working length of 3. The check slits are denoted in Fig. The material of the test pipe body is a thermo-mechanically treated steel X70 according to API specification.

It is provided with starting cuts oriented either axially or in the direction of the strip axis i. We are particularly interested in axial longitudinal slits situated aside welds, because these are sites where axial cracks will be formed in the basic material of the pipe.

Efforts were made in the fracture tests to keep the circumferential fracture stress below the yield stress, because the operating stress in gas pipelines is virtually around one half of the yield stress and does not exceed two-thirds of the yield stress even in intrastate high-pressure gas transmission pipelines. Calculations reveal that in order to comply with this, the depth of the axial semi-elliptical cracks should be greater than one half of the wall thickness. Oblique cracks should be even deeper, as the normal stress component opening these cracks is smaller.

If the crack depth is to have a certain magnitude before the fracture test is begun, the depth of the starting slit should be smaller than this magnitude by the fatigue extension of the crack along the perimeter of the slit tip. At the same time, we should bear in mind that the greater the fatigue extension of the crack, the better the agreement with a real crack.

Test pipe body with the starting cuts marked. After the starting slits were made, the test pipes were subjected to water pressure cycling to produce fatigue cracks in the tips of the starting slits.

The cycling was carried out in a pressurizing system, which included a high-pressure water pump, a collecting tank, a regulator designed to control the amount of water that was supplied and, consequently, the rate at which the pressure is increased in the pipe section. This was effected by opening by-pass valves. The period of a cycle was approximately seconds. The cycling continued until a crack initiated in one of the check slits became a through crack.

This moment was easy to detect, because it was accompanied by a water leak. To run a test for a fracture, however, it was necessary to remove the check slit which had penetrated through the wall of the test pipe from the body shell and to repair the shell, e. After removing the check slit with a crack which penetrated through the wall, and repairing the shell of the test pipe, the pipe was loaded by increasing the water pressure to burst.

The test procedure, which was common for all test pipes, will now be briefly described for the DN pipe shown in Fig. The burst of the test pipe at crack B is shown in Figs. A part of the fracture surface is shown in Fig. Burst initiated on slit B with a fatigue crack. Burst initiated on slit B — a detail. Evidently, at the instant of fracture the crack spread not only through the remaining ligament, but also lengthwise.

After removing the part of the pipe shell with crack B, a patch was welded in and the second burst test followed. It should be noted that Table 2 includes the Ramberg-Osgood constants for the circumferential direction of the test pipe, with the crack oriented axially in the pipe. This is because the stress-strain properties perpendicular to the crack plane are crucial in determining the J-integral for an axial crack.

The stress-strain dependence in the circumferential direction should therefore be taken into account where an axial orientation of the crack is concerned. The most important fracture test results from the viewpoint of the fracture conditions are the magnitudes of the fracture pressure, p f , and the fracture depth, a f , for a given crack length 2c. These values are also shown in the last two columns of Table 1. Now let us predict the fracture conditions according to engineering approaches, and compare the prediction results with the real fracture parameter values pressure, crack depth.

The procedure for verifying the engineering methods for the predictions involves determining either the fracture stress for a given fracture crack depth, or the fracture crack depth for a given fracture pressure.

To illustrate this, we select the latter case — i. As is evident from Fig. They are illustrated in Fig. A specific fracture-mechanics-based procedure for assessing the integrity of pressurized thin-walled cylindrical shells made from steels includes a theoretical treatment for cracks in pipes.

On the basis of both experimental work and a fracture-mechanical evaluation of experimental results, an engineering method has been worked out for assessing the geometrical parameters of critical axial crack-like defects in a high-pressure gas pipeline wall for a given internal pressure of a gas.

The method makes use of simple approximate expressions for determining fracture parameters K, J, and it accommodates the crack tip constraint effects by means of the so-called plastic constraint factor on yielding. One is a gas supply. An electric heater will only have two plumbing pipes but it will have an electical conduit or electrical wire feed line.

You might be thinking of a stress fracture; a fracture of a bone caused by repeated rather than sudden mechanical stress. You treat the simple fracture with immobilization, in most of the cases. This is done usually with the help of plaster of Paris and bandage.

It depends on where it is dripping. The spinning cycle of the machine might be causing the pipes to loosen up.

You might want to check out the pipes if they are loose. Log in. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Q: If gas pipes fracture there might be? Write your answer Related questions. If gas pipes fracture what might there be? What happens if gas pipes fracture?

Where can I buy a gas leak detector? What is the basic framework of roads electric lines water and gas pipes? Why is it important to make sure that water pipes do not freeze on cold nights? What is the material in gas pipes of a belt continuous furnace? Why do you have to install pressure relief valve on solar water heater?

Copyright Slang. All Rights Reserved. What does Rule 34 mean? A rule that designates that "If it exists, there is porn of it". A reference to the absurdist "Rules of the Internet", which gained popularity on early 4chan message boards. The number is arbitrarily chosen. Thus concludes our slang archive for Rule Rule It is delicious cake. You must eat it. Rule It is a delicious trap. You must hit it. Rule Cock goes in here. Rule They will not bring back Snacks.

Rule You will never have sex. Rule ??? Rule Profit. Rule You can not divide by zero. Whatever the particular list, the rules of the internet are intended to be funny, and many rules purposely contradict each other.

Other rules of the internet are misogynistic or provocative in nature. The early rules of the internet reflected the nature of 4chan at the time: raw, new, anonymous, and widely used by younger males with nerdy interests, like anime and gaming. As the internet expanded and evolved, the rules of internet evolved with it, leading some users to think the rules are dramatically out of date. The rules of the internet were never intended to be actual law, so much as general guidelines, in-jokes, and clever axioms found amidst the internet community.

Some of the more popular and widespread memes have become memes of their own. Rule 34, as mentioned above, is a notable example, which has spawned entire websites all its own. While the rules of the internet are meant to be jokes, be mindful of the misogyny in some particular items.

In May of , the Rule 34 database was launched on Paheal. On August 24th, , the Internet humor site Holy Taco published a post titled "25 SFW Rule 34 Images", which featured several notable demotivational posters of the rule. On November 14th, , streamer drypiss posted a video to Twitter in which he celebrated turning eighteen, the legal age to consume pornography, by looking up Rule 34 pictures.

The video struck viewers as wholesome , as they remembered their excitement at being able to watch porn legally. These responses were covered by The Daily Dot. An expanded edition of the Rules of the Internet included Rule 63 , which asserted that for every character, there is an opposite sex version of that character.

The rule often manifests itself in a similar fashion to Rule 34, with fan art depicting the gender-swapped characters engaging in sexual behavior. According to Google Insights, "rule 34" is the most searched set of keywords from the Rules of the Internet.

View All Videos. View All Images. Show Comments. Know Your Meme is an advertising supported site and we noticed that you're using an ad-blocking solution. Read Edit History. No Exceptions. Origin According to the Lurkmore Wiki [3] , Rule 34 originated from a comic posted on the website Zoom-Out [4] , which was cached by Google as early as October 5th, Spread On March 30th, , the first Urban Dictionary [6] definition for "Rule 34" was submitted by user Nukeitall, who claimed the adage was commonly used on a variety of message boards.

Rule There is porn of it, no exceptions.

The MSRP can give you an idea of what the dealer would like to charge you for a vehicle. But there are other pricing terms to know as you begin negotiations with a dealership. The answer to that question may not be a simple yes or no. What is certain is that you should negotiate.

Haggling with salespeople may not be your idea of a pleasant shopping experience. The invoice price usually includes the base price for the vehicle itself, plus additional costs the manufacturer pays, such as advertising.

The invoice price is a rough estimate of the cost the dealer will pay. That's because the manufacturer will typically designate a holdback price, or a percentage of the MSRP or invoice. The manufacturer pays the holdback price to the dealership once the dealer sells the vehicle. This means the invoice price is not necessarily the bottom-line price even if the dealer wants you to think that's the case.

These incentives allow dealerships to make money even if they end up selling the vehicle at the invoice price. The dealership is not required to pass on the savings from the holdback or any other incentives they receive from the manufacturer.

It can be difficult to figure out where and when these incentives exist, in part because they vary by region. Manufacturers include regional advertisement fees in the invoice to recoup their marketing costs. These fees will likely appear on your final sales contract, although you can try to negotiate them out of the price you pay. The cost differential between the MSRP and invoice price can vary widely, both proportionally and by dollar amount. Think about it this way: An economy car at the cheapest trim level with no additional options would likely have a small difference between its MSRP and invoice.

However, a popular luxury vehicle might have a large difference in invoice price vs. The more in-demand a vehicle is in your area, the greater the difference between the invoice and the MSRP, since the dealer can charge more. Buyer's Guide. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Don Mason Getty Images. Setting MSRPs Quite a bit goes into setting MSRPs, but they should be the same for the same vehicle across all retailers since it's determined by the manufacturer rather than the dealer.

The price generally reflects all manufacturing costs and sales processes. It even accounts for the average markup at dealerships. While most dealers ask less than the MSRP, the degree can vary based on whether or not they bought the vehicle in bulk or in smaller quantities.

Demand also plays a role according to Auto Gravity , as dealers will ask closer to the MSRP if people are willing to pay more for the vehicle. What Is a Car's Base Price? Invoice Price: The invoice price of a vehicle is the dealer cost. This is the price that the dealer paid to the manufacturer for the car. This figure should be available online, but the dealer's overall cost for the vehicle can be lower than the invoice price after accounting for manufacturer rebates and incentives.

Some dealers may be willing to sell you a car for lower than the invoice price, though they'll always try to sell for greater than the invoice price at first. Transaction Price: The transaction price of a vehicle is the end selling price of a car that you've agreed to pay.

In other words, it's the price for a vehicle in the lowest trim level, with no added features or options packages. The invoice price is what it costs the dealership. The dealership wants to profit from the car, so they will try to sell it for above invoice price.

In some cases, the dealer may be willing to sell a vehicle for at or below invoice price when they really need to make space on the lot or when they were able to get a rebate or incentive that lowered their costs to below the normal invoice price. The transaction price is what the customer pays for the vehicle.

This includes the selling price plus fees and taxes, minus rebates. Though some taxes are included in this price including an extra tax with vehicles that fail to meet certain fuel efficiency standards , sales tax is not included in the transaction price. The MSRP is one of the easiest prices to find for a vehicle.

You can find it online by visiting the manufacturer's website or on many other automotive sites. The dealership also has this information on hand, so they can walk you through it. In many cases, you will be able to see it by looking at the pricing sticker in a car's window on the lot. The biggest problem with MSRP is that some car buyers think that's the best price they can possibly get. They might walk into the dealership, confuse the MSRP with the invoice price, and think that they're essentially getting the car from the dealership without any markup.

The dealership will always be happy to sell the car for its MSRP because that price already has a markup boiled into it.

A friend with benefits relationship means the same as it would to anyone else. As in, friends who help each other out sexually without having the responsibility of being in a serious relationship.

However, many people have the idea that guys never fall for their FWB partner. In actuality, they can and do. To some guys, they do only see this arrangement as just that: an arrangement. But when feelings become part of the equation , the situation gets complicated. When you have frequent sex with someone, you create a connection whether you want to or not. Women aren't the only emotional beings on the planet — men are emotional as well , despite society telling them emotions are a form of weakness.

In most arrangements, there's no physical contact outside of a sexual nature. So, in many cases, cuddling is a big no-no. Arrow left icon Back Here are some resources that might help:.

Resource Feedback. Was this page helpful to you? Icon check Yes. Icon cross No. Did you learn anything from this page that you can use in your life? Did you get the support you were looking for today from Kids Help Phone? Submit feedback. Would you like to try something else? Read articles about other themes. Explore tools about other topics. Connect with your peers. Call or chat with a counsellor. Text or message with a crisis responder. Here are some more resources to check out: Learn.

See more articles. More info on sex and dating: Learn. New content Learn. Can we open your Messages app so you can text us? Feedback Tired of Typos? Word of the Day. Meanings Meanings. Examples Origin Usage. Acronyms dictionary fwb or FWB or friends with benefits What does fwb mean? Tinder 8. CougarLife 8. MillionaireMatch 8. COM 7.

Talkwithstranger 6. Sugar Suite Media Ltd. Vernon Marshall. Table of content. Latest update: Dec 15, We did our own research and that is what we found out. Friends with benefits definition — do we even get that right? So, what do friends with benefits mean? For the last 3 years, he has successfully got together more than 80 couples.

An expert in the field of sugar dating websites and mobile dating apps. A scam-fighter in Sugar Dating. Ran a famous Sugar Daddy website before starting his own agency. Share on. A lot of people pretend to be someone else from time to time, but some of them make that their hobby or worse, t For s In sugar dating, there are no burdens, no

To improve muscular strength the best exercises include the use of free weights, machine weights and body weight exercises like push-ups, chin-ups and dips.

So, you might have six sessions a week that you do, or it can even be broken down over like a periodization program. Are you hitting the gym? So, that just gives you sort of an overview. Now when it comes to this FITT principle, I feel is most beneficial when it comes to recovery and rehabilitation and so forth.

But after we get over that your body starts to adapt to the training and starts to getting stronger. The problem is that your muscles adapt much quicker to the training than the rest of your body does. So, your joints, your ligaments, your tendons, the joint capsules, your bones, everything else takes a lot longer to catch up. And so, what happens is you start exercising and you get over that initial sort of soreness, and then you start feeling really good. Your muscles start feeling stronger, you feel like you can run further, you feel like you can lift more weight and you feel really good.

You feel encouraged and you feel sort of encouraged to push and do more and more. The issue is that your muscles have adapted, and your muscles have got stronger. But the tendons that attach those muscles to the bones are still lagging behind the ligaments that provide the structure and the support of your joints. And what typically happens is about two to three months into an exercise program, or after someone started an exercise program, they typically start to get these little aches and pains and little niggles and twinges and knee starts hurting a little bit, or my shoulders a little bit sore.

And then what we do is we just cut in half the frequency. So, if they were exercising six times a week, we just cut that down to three times a week, and we cut the time in half. So, cut the frequency in half, cut the time in half, you can keep the intensity and the type of exercise the same but just cut that frequency and time in half. The standard recommendation for cardio training is as follows. When the FITT Principle is used as part of strength training, the standard recommendations are as follows.

Frequency — 5 to 7 times per week. Unlike other types of exercises, like cardio and strength training, stretching when done properly is very relaxing and therapeutic, and will help you recover from your other activities.

So feel free to add stretching to your exercise program every day. Intensity — Slow, easy and relaxed. When the goal is to improve flexibility and range of motion you should do your stretching at a low intensity.

Move into the stretch position and as soon as you feel deep tension within the muscle group, stop there.

On a scale of 1 to 10 aim for a tension of about 6 or 7 out of School-aged youth should participate every day in 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity that is right for their age, enjoyable, and involves a variety of activities. Limit sedentary activities. Spend no more than 2 hours per day in front of a screen. Keep an activity log. The use of activity logs can help children and teens keep track of their exercise programs and physical activity. Focus on the positive. Praising participation over winning and encouraging positive behaviors are important, especially if a child is less active and interested in sports.

Be a role model. Activity Log Children and teens can be motivated to exercise more when they keep an activity log. The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician.

There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances. Follow Us. Back to Top. One, the individual's fitness goals, so, for example, the program for someone who wants to enhance their muscular endurance is going to be different than someone who wants to increase their muscular strength.

The second thing that it's dependent on is the current level of fitness of the individual, so someone with very high levels of current fitness should be able to handle a more intense or longer exercise session, maybe more sessions per week, compared to someone who's just getting started who would need lower levels of intensity, maybe less frequent, shorter time sessions first and then progress into those more intense and longer sessions.

Previous Next. List of Partners vendors. Understanding the F. These are the four elements you need to think about to create workouts that fit your goals and fitness level. Learn how the F. The first thing to set up with your workout plan is frequency— how often you will exercise. Your frequency often depends on a variety of factors including the type of workout you're doing, how hard you're working, your fitness level, and your exercise goals.

In general, the exercise guidelines set out by the American College of Sports Medicine give you a place to start when figuring out how often to work out for both cardio and strength training.

Cardio workouts are usually scheduled more often. Depending on your goal, guidelines recommend moderate exercise five or more days a week or intense cardio three days a week to improve your health.

If you want to lose weight, you'll want to work up to more frequent workouts, often up to six or more days a week. The recommended frequency for strength training is two to three non-consecutive days a week. You should have at least one to two days between sessions. Your frequency, however, will often depend on the workouts you're doing, because you want to work your muscles at least two times a week.

If you do a split routine , like upper body one day and lower body the next, your workouts will be more frequent than total body workouts.

Intensity has to do with how hard you work during exercise. How you can change the intensity depends on the type of workout you're doing. There are different ways that you can measure your workout intensity. For cardio, you will usually monitor intensity by heart rate , perceived exertion , the talk test , a heart rate monitor , or a combination of those measures. The general recommendation is to work at a moderate intensity for steady-state workouts. Interval training is done at a high intensity for a shorter period of time.

It's a good idea to have a mixture of low, medium, and high-intensity cardio exercises so you stimulate different energy systems and avoid overtraining. Monitoring the intensity of strength training involves a different set of parameters.

To pass the message across, just put the hashtag followed by FF, then the handles of people one is recommending. One may wonder why Friday and not on any other day. First, on a lighter note, Friday is the only day in a week that starts with the letter F. So, anyone using the hashtag FF on any other day is either being sarcastic or has lost track of the days.

Overall, the internet changed how people communicated. Maybe FF started way back with the rise of the internet in the 21st century, based on its other meanings that will be shown later on in this article. People nowadays prefer texting as opposed to the traditional ways of communication. However, the FF acronym used in twitter started way back in And, to quickly find these suggested handles, people thought it wise to use a hashtag.

Initially, it was Followfriday, but they soon shortened it to FF. And to appreciate them, these people will also do their own Twitter FF posts mentioning them. Follow Friday — FF is all about discovering new people and helping other people earn more followers.

As mentioned above, people use FF in text messages, social media, emails, etc. Besides, follow Friday, commonly found in Twitter, below are other definitions of FF used in various platforms and situations. You people have really finished me with your FF. Lyn: Sorry about that. In the first sentence, FF refers to a final fantasy game, while the second FF coming from Lyn suggests that they should quit and leave, referring to forfeit. Twitter and Facebook users usually have a day per week to express their internet love to their social media friends and fans.

Though initially FF was intended for fun, advertisers now use it repeatedly to reach a greater audience, and its usage has really grown. People use FF to show hopelessness in a gaming world and rather quit than proceed and waste more time or lose more money. In order to use this acronym efficiently, one should ensure that the person they are speaking with has the proper context for what they are going to use the acronym to mean.

Overall, the abbreviation FF has many different definitions, however, the most popular definitions relate to online gaming and social media. The trending term can stand for friendly fire, forfeit, Final Fantasy, and follow Friday, amongst other definitions. Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing.

He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

Your writing, at its best Compose bold, clear, mistake-free, writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant. Start writing with Grammarly. What does the abbreviation FF mean in gaming?

What does the abbreviation FF mean on social media? How else can the abbreviation FF be used? Recent Posts.

The taxpayer's prior year AGI is what is being used to digitally sign their return and to help combat fraud. It must match what the IRS shows. Name misspelling. Each name listed on the tax return should also match what is on file with the IRS. Common errors include using a shortened name or nickname. Selecting the wrong filing status, such as Married Filing Jointly after a spouse already filed Married Filing Separately. Ready to File Your Return? Get Help. Direct deposit is always faster than requesting a check.

If you filed your tax return on-line, then you probably were also able to accept an e-check refund payment. Typically, these take from 10 to 14 days depending on your bank's direct deposit process. This payment takes the shortest amount of time to receive. Paper payments take longer to process and mail. While the payment may be mailed after 21 days, you'll still need to calculate time in for the delivery. After 24 hours from receiving the "Federal Return Status Accepted" message, you can check your refund status on the IRS website at irs.

If you mailed your return, you'll need to wait four weeks. You can also call the Refund Hotline at You need to have your social security number, refund amount and filing status on hand to get information on your refund.

The "Federal Return Status Accepted" message does not mean that you will automatically receive a refund. For instance, you may owe back payments to the IRS, which deducts the amount from the refund. Sometimes the problem runs deeper. If your dependent's Social Security number is flagged, it may be that someone else has claimed your dependent.

This could be the result of an honest error or an attempt at fraud. If you can't spot any reason for the duplicate number that helps you fix your return, the IRS will require you to submit a hard-copy return instead of filing online. Once the IRS accepts your return, it will go over everything in greater detail. At this stage, the IRS has your tax return accepted but not processed. Common errors include:.

If you're submitting electronically, the system may catch the errors quickly. It'll take longer with paper returns.

The IRS can correct some errors on its own — figures added incorrectly, for instance — or it may notify you that the agency needs more information.

If someone applies for a green card, receives it, and lives in a certain country, they are have permanent resident status in that country, but are not considered a citizen. These people could be considered expats or foreign nationals. In this case, the resident has a right to work and live in said country, but may be restricted against voting in federal elections, or can be subject to deportation if they violate the law. In another example, one could be attending university in a country in which they are not a citizen.

However, if they have established health insurance through their school as an international student, they could be considered a resident in certain circumstances.

The line between resident and citizen is sometimes difficult to determine. Certain schools may define country of residence differently. Usually, a country of residence is asked for on forms like visas, citizenship applications, passport applications, insurance policy applications, income taxes, or other legal forms. Power Thesaurus lists many synonyms for the phrase country of residence.

However, in legal documents, these may not always be completely synonymous, so users should exercise caution and be careful when interchanging legal terms. The phrase country of residence is commonly seen on customs forms.

For example, the CBP Traveler Entry Form which people must fill out when they enter the country provides the government with basic information about a person, including their country of residence, according to the U.

Customs and Border Protection. Here, one must disclose their residence status. There is a lot of room for gray area on what it means to be a resident in many contexts. This could mean an electric or gas company bill, employment document, mortgage bill, or another legal document confirming where someone lives. These are: Worldwide , and Worldwide excluding North America. The premiums for the worldwide plans will generally be more expensive. The reason for this is that medical expenses in North America are typically higher than in the rest of the world.

Worldwide cover allows you to select to undergo treatment with any doctor in any hospital anywhere in the world. Worldwide excluding North America prevents you from selecting to undergo scheduled treatment in North America. However, the majority of health insurance expat plans will provide cover for emergency treatment in North America for a limited amount of days per year.

Our consultants will be happy to provide you with a range of quotes for health insurance expat plans and to answer any questions you may have. For more information on the definitions of insurance terms or any other global health insurance inquiry, please contact Pacific Prime today. You are on Home What is the meaning of country of residence? Compare Quotes Now. What is the meaning of country of residence?

Sample 1. Sample 2. Sample 3. Country of Residence means a place of legal residence at time of application to this Policy. Country of Residence means the country in which the Cardmember is a permanent resident or any country where the Cardmember is assigned , actively engaged in business or otherwise domiciled for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.

The castles made of sand falling into the sea represent how no matter how strong your relationships are, if theyre built on something false, they will fall and crumble, and I think we can all relate to that. Shortly after recording the album, Jimi went to his childhood home to see his brother and made him sit down and listen to the song. He then said 'This song is our family song. Its for all of you'. This is by far my most favourite Hendrix track, and Axis: Bold as love is one of the best albums ever made.

Janie Hendrix, on the other hand, is a bloody fool who deserves none of the Hendrix estate, what with her barely having a relationship with Jimi, and convincing her father, whilst he was in a state of senility, to sign a will written to her demands.

No Replies Log in to reply. General Comment Build your castles out of stone, you won't be able to perfectly mold the walls, but they will be sturdier. General Comment i think he really likes to go to the beach and makes sand castles.

Kurts on March 19, Link. General Comment I agree with most of the people above He is talking about dreams that you put all your hopes and dreams into but they get destroyed, demonstrated when he sings: "And he built up a dream that when he grew up He would be a fearless warrior indian cheif Many moons past and more the dream grew strong until Tomorrow he would sing his first warsong and fight his first battle But something went wrong, surprise attack killed him in his sleep that night " This also can mean that the things they had hoped for didn't turn out the way they wanted to I agree with Temujin on the chorus, Jimi does a great job with the lyrics in this song.

Caroline on July 27, Link. General Comment I think I kind of agree with everybody. It is about broken dreams and the part about things changing applies too. Suppose, Radha, some little boys or girls are playing with sand castles. So long as they are not devoid of lust, desire, affection, thirst, passion, and craving for those sand castles, they cherish them, play with them, treasure them, and treat them possessively.

But sand castles, then as now, are a symbol of impermanence, and will eventually slip into the sea. Equally impermanent are the affections of young children, and even before the tide comes in you may witness the gleeful demolition of what only moments earlier had been so deeply revered. Once the tide of their own attachment has turned, children can destroy with joyful abandon what they have so carefully created.

This is something noticed by the Buddha as well:. But when those little boys or girls lose their lust, desire, affection, thirst, passion, and craving for those sand castles, then they scatter them with their hands and feet, demolish them, shatter them, and put them out of play. This is an important observation about human behavior, which can, of course, be applied to a much wider field of understanding.

It points to the remarkable insight that meaning is not something existing inherently in things, but is something projected onto things by the application of human awareness. We make things important by investing them with importance, by placing our attention on them, and by treating them as valuable.

Sand castles are not universally important or unimportant. When a person considers them meaningful and pays careful attention to them, they become important. What is a diary? A diary is a bridge between the written language and our deepest emotions. Since a diary usually remains confidential, and free from judgement and criticism, it is one of the only places where a person has no need for a filter.

It can. You came to me and told me to help you make a sand castle. I showed you how to do it and when you saw it, you wanted to do more so we put some sand into a castle bucket. It was heavy when it was full so I helped you turn it around so that it would stand. Before you pulled the castle bucket up, you tapped it three times and there we saw a nice sand castle. We did it many times because you were enjoying looking at them.

When we saw that there was a lot. He walked over to a pre-built sand castle and started digging out hole?! I made sure to get plenty sand nice and packed. I started shaping the sand into a tower. I could feel the sun beating on my back, my hair whipping around in the wind. I could hear the. But the move to the IV chord with juicy suspensions using the flat 7th of the key pull us right back to that darkness again.

I was at the record store as fast as I could get there to buy it. No one else was making music like this. Let me know if you agree as well. Richard Warren Field plays Jimi Hendrix.

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Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Physics. What does cable ready tv mean in an apartment? What does it mean when it says apartment cable and internet ready. Asked by: Bobby. Ads by Google. This site is best viewed while logged in. Top Solutions. No, cable is never free Boilers have their own closed water circuit, mostly with a hydrophone expansion vessel. You can safely run the boiler without the main water Add your answer.

Suggested Solutions 10 What's this? Was this answer helpful? Yes No. This answer closely relates to:. You can safely run the boiler without the main water source, unless your heating system does not have that hydrophone. It just means that the cable lines have been laid out to the apartment. Installation will be easy. You will still have to pay for cable. Consult with heating repair and contractor. Make sure consultant is HVAC certified.

Generally speaking, cable ready is a term real estate agencies or property managers use in an apartment listing to let you know that the apartment is pre-wired for cable. This means the property is capable of receiving cable TV.

Generally, No! If an apartment is cable ready, this means that it is wired for cable. You will typically have to get cable service separately by contacting the service provider and activating it under your name. A cable ready apartment means you can get service quickly, so you can start enjoying more TV channels without having to wait for the wires to be installed.

Typically it does, but not necessarily. Cable ready refers to the ability to get cable to the TV. You should ask the cable company if the apartment is also pre-wired for internet this is referred to as internet-ready apartment.

Be sure to confirm costs and ask about packages and specials. At the end of the day, remember that cable is never free in an apartment unless the listing explicitly states that. Even if an apartment is cable ready, you still have to pay to activate and use the service.

You'll need to ensure you have enough cash on hand to pay security deposit, 1st month rent, on-going monthly rent, moving costs, furniture expenses, and on-going living costs credit card expenses, groceries, etc. If you're thinking of renting an apartment, there are specific things to look for in the lease to help avoid potential problems or mis-understandings later. Will the company send a representative to collect the equipment or do you need to return them yourself?

Always be aware of this, because if you fail to return the equipment, you can get charged a fee. In a nutshell, a cable ready apartment simply means that the unit already has wires installed so that you can apply for a service. Usually, the apartment does NOT have a ready subscription that you can use. You will still need to apply for a service in order to watch cable television at your apartment. In today's digital world, having cable in your apartment is a great amenity to have, so why not chat with Alex to help you find your next home?

Rent an Apartment. Rent with alpaca Find an apartment now. Rental Updates Rental deals of the week Blog. Back What is a Cable Ready Apartment? Find your next Apartment. March 19, What does Cable Ready Mean? Ask the Locals The best way to find cable option suggestions is by asking locals who live in the area.

Look for Local Internet Providers These days, many Internet service providers usually offer cable subscriptions as part of a value bundle package. Contacting a Cable Company When you get in touch with a local cable company, here are some questions you should ask to facilitate your service application: How does the service get activated? What packages are available? Are there any promos for new connections? What is the contract length term? What happens when your lease expires? The Bottom Line In a nutshell, a cable ready apartment simply means that the unit already has wires installed so that you can apply for a service.

Chat with Alex the Chatbot Today! Do you need a cable ready apartment?