Wbu in text what does it mean

Person 1: Hey, how are you? Person 2: I'm okay. See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms list of. Share Tweet E-mail. R Related words. Usage Vulgarity SlangMap. Most vulgar Your vote: None To vote, click the pepper. JavaScript must be enabled to vote. Most vulgar Where is this slang used? All Rights Reserved. Add a definition for this slang term. It can create confusion during the conversation, So you should be careful while using such words.

The meaning of such short terms depend upon the conversation type, is related to which field or area. It may produce a more casual tone than WBU. In the above example, the first friend uses WBU to ask if the second friend would like to meet up for food. In the above example, the second friend uses WBU to clarify whether or not the first friend is coming to a party. In the above example, the first friend uses WBU to clarify whether or not the first friend is coming on a trip. In this example, the second friend uses WBU to ask if the first friend would like to go have some sushi.

WBU stand for What about You, which is used in online chatting with friends or relatives. Most people use such terms in chat to give quick and fast reply to a message, they just type short terms instead of the full word. Such Short terms can never be a part of a formal conversation. You can not use this internet slang everywhere, because it may cause confusion.

In Some Other fields, its meaning is different. Please leave a comment below that how much you find this article helpful. You may also hit your queries in the comment section below if any. By profession, I'm a software engineer.

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Your email address will not be published. Close Menu Health. It can be used to learn more about someone. People often share something about themselves on social media and then pose the question, hoping to learn something similar about the hobbies or personality of the person with whom they are conversing.

People use it to ask for ideas or input. Also, it is often used in small talk to keep a conversation going politely. Friend 1: I'm hungry for some Vietnamese food. Friend 2: SGTM! In this example, the first friend uses WBU to ask if the second friend would like to meet up for food. Friend 1: do u really wanna go to Karen's apartment party 2night? Friend 2: sure, it'll be fun. In this example, the second friend uses WBU to clarify whether or not the first friend wants to go to a party.

Friend 1: Pung, let's not meet with Colin on this tonight. I need to think about this first. Friend 2: OK, that's probably best you cool off before we bring this up. I can do Friday, WBU? Friend 1: Friday after lunch is good. I'll write down my thoughts tonight, so I do a good job explaining the issues to him.

In this example, the second friend uses WBU to find out if Friday is a good time for the first friend to meet up. Friend 1: omg, I'm so hungry. Friend 2: Mhm! I could go for a plate of sushi right now, HBU?


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